First ever wedding fair 

So I dragged Josh to our first wedding fair this weekend! Purely to get ideas as gosh who would have thought there’d be so many options!

So to my relief our first fayre was a relatively small one! I am quite glad now as I think if it had been much bigger I would of been very overwhelmed. 

We visited Woodhall hotel and Spa, which is absolutely stunning! The drive up left me gobsmacked it was actually beautiful. Josh even said can you imagine driving up here when it’s all wintery and imagine the photographs!  I wasn’t enthralled by the actually function rooms but I think that is because of the fact it was laid out as a fayre, we have been invited to view it when it’s laid out in wedding format, so I will have a look at that. 

They had a variety of company’s that were showing us different options, we also got lots and lots of tips on where to start!

My top tips for wedding fayres

  • Take a bag to put leaflets and wedding magazines in! You get lots! Poor josh got handed most.
  • Be prepared to have the same conversation at every stand you go to.
  • Be excited as everyone else is! 
  • Be prepared to have fun ( photobooths are on display to try)
  • Do except the prosecco it’s delicious! 
  • Don’t be disheartened if you aren’t impressed by the venue as you cannot at all picture the venue as a  wedding when it’s set out as a fayre
  • Turn up early as parking can be limited.

Tips I picked up

  • Pick your venue before any thing else, can’t decide on photographer or themes until you have decided on your venue!
  • Look for unique! 
  • Have fun
  • You only get married once listen to tips and hints, most people there aren’t pushy as they just want to help you have the best wedding you can!

So I am already booked for the biggest wedding fayre in Yorkshire however I’ve relieved Josh of his leaflet holding duty (as he felt out of place), and heading with my bridesmaids and mums 🙂 I’ll keep you updated! 

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