First ever wedding fair 

So I dragged Josh to our first wedding fair this weekend! Purely to get ideas as gosh who would have thought there’d be so many options!

So to my relief our first fayre was a relatively small one! I am quite glad now as I think if it had been much bigger I would of been very overwhelmed. 

We visited Woodhall hotel and Spa, which is absolutely stunning! The drive up left me gobsmacked it was actually beautiful. Josh even said can you imagine driving up here when it’s all wintery and imagine the photographs!  I wasn’t enthralled by the actually function rooms but I think that is because of the fact it was laid out as a fayre, we have been invited to view it when it’s laid out in wedding format, so I will have a look at that. 

They had a variety of company’s that were showing us different options, we also got lots and lots of tips on where to start!

My top tips for wedding fayres

  • Take a bag to put leaflets and wedding magazines in! You get lots! Poor josh got handed most.
  • Be prepared to have the same conversation at every stand you go to.
  • Be excited as everyone else is! 
  • Be prepared to have fun ( photobooths are on display to try)
  • Do except the prosecco it’s delicious! 
  • Don’t be disheartened if you aren’t impressed by the venue as you cannot at all picture the venue as a  wedding when it’s set out as a fayre
  • Turn up early as parking can be limited.

Tips I picked up

  • Pick your venue before any thing else, can’t decide on photographer or themes until you have decided on your venue!
  • Look for unique! 
  • Have fun
  • You only get married once listen to tips and hints, most people there aren’t pushy as they just want to help you have the best wedding you can!

So I am already booked for the biggest wedding fayre in Yorkshire however I’ve relieved Josh of his leaflet holding duty (as he felt out of place), and heading with my bridesmaids and mums 🙂 I’ll keep you updated! 

I said Yes!! 

I said yes!! So I’m now his fiancé!! It sounds soo strange!! But oh soo good!! 

On the 23rd October 2016, he got down on 1 knee on the middle of Scarborough beach where we had our first date 2 years to the day! I won’t tell you the story of how he proposed, you’ll have to ask me that! 

I’m so unbelievable excited and emotional! 
It’s going to a bit or a long engagement as we are saving to but a house before we take the walk down the aisle. However that doesn’t mean I can’t get excited and visit all the wedding fayres get lots of ideas for when we set a date! 

So look out for everything wedding and everything romance! 
Watch this space! 

Enjoying cooking 

So I have had so much fun cooking lately all healthy foods cooked from fresh! 

One of my besties Charlotte came over the other day and we both had been craving take away like a really good Chinese!! Mmmmm mmmmm! 

I must admit I was seriously tempted but I am determined to stick to healthy meals.

So we cooked from fresh a Chinese chicken curry. We cooked for 4 of us, we cooked a lot of food as we both have two very hungry gym goer boyfriends. We know the way to there hearts food, food, food and well I’ll leave the rest to the imagination….


 6 x Chicken breast chopped up

2x chopped onions (chop these in large chunks for a real feel of takeaway Chinese)

1x cup of frozen peas (I think this is probably too much if your not a fan of peas I did go a bit over board lol)

1x chopped green chilli

1 x can of coconut milk ( I’d use two if you like more sauce)

Sprinkling of mild curry powder

Sprinkle of cumin

Sprinkle of ginger

Fry this all in a pan and serve with whatever preference rice you want, we went for egg fried rice to stick with the takeaway style 🙂 

And I still can’t manage to cut onions without crying and seems like neither can Charlotte!! Haha;) 

I will post some of my recipes i am trying out next week later in the week too!! 🙂 

Eat clean! train hard! Always smile!

Positive mental attitude 

Some of my favourite quotes that have helped my motivation lately

So health is 1000% more important that calorie counting and thinking about dieting etc. My ultimate goal is to compete but that’s got to sit on the back burner until health wise and hormone wise i can monitor what is going on etc! Unfortunately my doctor changed my contraceptive back in January/February time and i had couple of months of it not playing ball with my body, a different doctor changed me back on to the one I was on before. So again my hormones have changed again. So until I get them all into check again competing needs to sit on the side line. I am in No way giving up or saying I can’t do it. But there’s no way I could put myself through the prep and not be 100% happy I could step on that stage and give it my all and be in a position to do well.

So it’s clean eating, and attempting fat loss until My body,thyroid and hormones catch up again! 

Dieting and looking fit is the big thing right now and it’s a constant battle with the media so heavy with the approach to it lately but out bodies are all different and we expect too much from them too quickly! 

Slow down and mentally stay happy!


So after my last blog post talking about thyroid issues. Tbh I’ve had some quite negative weeks and made me realise there’s worse things that could happen!! 

I go to the gym because I enjoy it not because I feel I need to. I do it to keep healthy and happy. Something that’s a hobby and enjoy in my own time out of work. I’ve lost that feeling lately and I shouldn’t feel like that. Positive mental attitude. 

I’ve just got to keep enjoying myself in the gym as if I get to the point where I am doing it just because I feel I have to it like i was getting to, I’d hate going and lose motivation.

 So instead of getting to held up in the fact I’m feeling bloated I’m feeling like I’m not losing any weight or fat i decided to set myself some mini goals

To try new things

Be daring (omg I wore shorts in the gym….) 

Be able to do 3 pull ups by the end of the month… So my plan is to get heavier with my lat pull downs which will help gain upper body strength to be able to do unassisted pull ups. And also do assisted pull ups with a resistance band.

Learn how to box, I struggle to do the amount of cardio I should be doing (this will help me lose fat) purely because I get bored on same Machine, and when I don’t see any change when I add cardio into my diet it gets me disheartened. So I am throwing boxing into my regime and also pylos.

Stay confident and keep smiling. 
What are you goals and what are you’re experiences when you hit a plateau at the gym? I’d love to hear from you xx

It’s been a while

Still on the clean eating pathway. I managed to lose over 2 stone but after having holidays, birthdays, graduation I put some back on, however I am managing to sit between 12stone 5 and 12stone 8 currently. Struggling to lose more fat so I am having a play around with my diet to try keep losing. I however have been to the doctors and have been having tests because I have been feeling constantly tired, lethargic, losing my hair, feeling depressed and generally feeling like crap which isn’t like me at all. and it turns out have got an under active thyroid however the doctor currently feels we need to do more tests before we can look at sorting this out. As thyroid problems can happen for lots of reasons. It also can rectify itself. So I currently have to wait until October for further tests.  
But for now it’s continuing with the clean eating, smashing the gym as much as I can and continuing as normal. 
Keep lifting 🙂 😘

Myprotein leggings 

My new my protein leggings are my favourite! Probably the comfiest leggings I’ve ever worn! Made out of Lycra and the pattern on them insures that they aren’t see through. Squat proof and they make me feel so confident in the gym! Whether it’s me actually feeling leaner of the leggings assesentuating my curves in the right places! I don’t know but they have sure made me train harder they last two gym sessions!! 5 days until Portugal! 👙🌞☀️🏖🏝

Clean Eating

After my Donut post’s I though I’d talk Clean eating!

Clean eating is becoming a lot easier lately, I think this is because its becoming a habit.

I am finding I am loving my stir fries, however I looking at getting my diet stricter.


So more of the below

Leafy Green Salad with nice fresh meat, less dressing.

Fresh meat with green veggies.

I love my salads and meats, in fact I think I can honestly say I prefer my veggies and salads to stodgy pasta and potatoes, purely because it makes me feel like a heavy lump when I eat heavy carbs.

Even when we ate out last Sunday I managed to go healthy. The Salad above is my lunch out. Fresh mixed salad with rump steak, I opted for a balsamic dressing instead of the creamier dressing they were offering.


Clean eating is definitely the way forward for me. Healthier and happier within myself.

H x


9 Days until my holiday

I was feeling really disappointed that I wasn’t looking how I imagined I was going to look on the beach in 9 days time. And after working myself up over it, I came round to the idea that I am never going to be 100% happy with my body. It’s only human for us to find fault some how in ourselves.

Our bodies change daily and I am trying to find myself a healthy balance in life.

I decided to try some of my holiday clothes on from last year to see if I could see any difference. And I came across my shorts that were actually quite tight back in October 2015.

Here are the shorts now!

So realistically I have lost quite a bit of fat, often when your looking at yourself daily you don’t personally see a difference. I have been a bit up and down on the scales the last couple of weeks, the lowest I’ve seen myself at is 11st 13, but that fluctuates between 11stone 13 and up to 12stone 8, this depends on a number of things.

  • Carb intake
  • Water intake
  • How much food I’ve eaten daily
  • And timings of weighing myself too.

So ultimately I’ve resigned to the fact I may have a long way to go until I want to be where I want to be but I have come a long way so far. It’s not an easy journey and its an ongoing battle.