Positive mental attitude 

Some of my favourite quotes that have helped my motivation lately

So health is 1000% more important that calorie counting and thinking about dieting etc. My ultimate goal is to compete but that’s got to sit on the back burner until health wise and hormone wise i can monitor what is going on etc! Unfortunately my doctor changed my contraceptive back in January/February time and i had couple of months of it not playing ball with my body, a different doctor changed me back on to the one I was on before. So again my hormones have changed again. So until I get them all into check again competing needs to sit on the side line. I am in No way giving up or saying I can’t do it. But there’s no way I could put myself through the prep and not be 100% happy I could step on that stage and give it my all and be in a position to do well.

So it’s clean eating, and attempting fat loss until My body,thyroid and hormones catch up again! 

Dieting and looking fit is the big thing right now and it’s a constant battle with the media so heavy with the approach to it lately but out bodies are all different and we expect too much from them too quickly! 

Slow down and mentally stay happy!

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