
So after my last blog post talking about thyroid issues. Tbh I’ve had some quite negative weeks and made me realise there’s worse things that could happen!! 

I go to the gym because I enjoy it not because I feel I need to. I do it to keep healthy and happy. Something that’s a hobby and enjoy in my own time out of work. I’ve lost that feeling lately and I shouldn’t feel like that. Positive mental attitude. 

I’ve just got to keep enjoying myself in the gym as if I get to the point where I am doing it just because I feel I have to it like i was getting to, I’d hate going and lose motivation.

 So instead of getting to held up in the fact I’m feeling bloated I’m feeling like I’m not losing any weight or fat i decided to set myself some mini goals

To try new things

Be daring (omg I wore shorts in the gym….) 

Be able to do 3 pull ups by the end of the month… So my plan is to get heavier with my lat pull downs which will help gain upper body strength to be able to do unassisted pull ups. And also do assisted pull ups with a resistance band.

Learn how to box, I struggle to do the amount of cardio I should be doing (this will help me lose fat) purely because I get bored on same Machine, and when I don’t see any change when I add cardio into my diet it gets me disheartened. So I am throwing boxing into my regime and also pylos.

Stay confident and keep smiling. 
What are you goals and what are you’re experiences when you hit a plateau at the gym? I’d love to hear from you xx

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