It’s been a while

Still on the clean eating pathway. I managed to lose over 2 stone but after having holidays, birthdays, graduation I put some back on, however I am managing to sit between 12stone 5 and 12stone 8 currently. Struggling to lose more fat so I am having a play around with my diet to try keep losing. I however have been to the doctors and have been having tests because I have been feeling constantly tired, lethargic, losing my hair, feeling depressed and generally feeling like crap which isn’t like me at all. and it turns out have got an under active thyroid however the doctor currently feels we need to do more tests before we can look at sorting this out. As thyroid problems can happen for lots of reasons. It also can rectify itself. So I currently have to wait until October for further tests.  
But for now it’s continuing with the clean eating, smashing the gym as much as I can and continuing as normal. 
Keep lifting 🙂 😘

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