Clean Eating

After my Donut post’s I though I’d talk Clean eating!

Clean eating is becoming a lot easier lately, I think this is because its becoming a habit.

I am finding I am loving my stir fries, however I looking at getting my diet stricter.


So more of the below

Leafy Green Salad with nice fresh meat, less dressing.

Fresh meat with green veggies.

I love my salads and meats, in fact I think I can honestly say I prefer my veggies and salads to stodgy pasta and potatoes, purely because it makes me feel like a heavy lump when I eat heavy carbs.

Even when we ate out last Sunday I managed to go healthy. The Salad above is my lunch out. Fresh mixed salad with rump steak, I opted for a balsamic dressing instead of the creamier dressing they were offering.


Clean eating is definitely the way forward for me. Healthier and happier within myself.

H x


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