Myprotein leggings 

My new my protein leggings are my favourite! Probably the comfiest leggings I’ve ever worn! Made out of Lycra and the pattern on them insures that they aren’t see through. Squat proof and they make me feel so confident in the gym! Whether it’s me actually feeling leaner of the leggings assesentuating my curves in the right places! I don’t know but they have sure made me train harder they last two gym sessions!! 5 days until Portugal! 👙🌞☀️🏖🏝

Clean Eating

After my Donut post’s I though I’d talk Clean eating!

Clean eating is becoming a lot easier lately, I think this is because its becoming a habit.

I am finding I am loving my stir fries, however I looking at getting my diet stricter.


So more of the below

Leafy Green Salad with nice fresh meat, less dressing.

Fresh meat with green veggies.

I love my salads and meats, in fact I think I can honestly say I prefer my veggies and salads to stodgy pasta and potatoes, purely because it makes me feel like a heavy lump when I eat heavy carbs.

Even when we ate out last Sunday I managed to go healthy. The Salad above is my lunch out. Fresh mixed salad with rump steak, I opted for a balsamic dressing instead of the creamier dressing they were offering.


Clean eating is definitely the way forward for me. Healthier and happier within myself.

H x


9 Days until my holiday

I was feeling really disappointed that I wasn’t looking how I imagined I was going to look on the beach in 9 days time. And after working myself up over it, I came round to the idea that I am never going to be 100% happy with my body. It’s only human for us to find fault some how in ourselves.

Our bodies change daily and I am trying to find myself a healthy balance in life.

I decided to try some of my holiday clothes on from last year to see if I could see any difference. And I came across my shorts that were actually quite tight back in October 2015.

Here are the shorts now!

So realistically I have lost quite a bit of fat, often when your looking at yourself daily you don’t personally see a difference. I have been a bit up and down on the scales the last couple of weeks, the lowest I’ve seen myself at is 11st 13, but that fluctuates between 11stone 13 and up to 12stone 8, this depends on a number of things.

  • Carb intake
  • Water intake
  • How much food I’ve eaten daily
  • And timings of weighing myself too.

So ultimately I’ve resigned to the fact I may have a long way to go until I want to be where I want to be but I have come a long way so far. It’s not an easy journey and its an ongoing battle.


National Donut Day!


Its National Donut day today! So National Donut day is really an American thing. It honors the Salvation Army Lassies, the women that served doughnuts to soldiers during WWI. The doughnuts were often cooked in oil inside the metal helmets of American soldiers.  American infantrymen were then commonly called “doughboys.”

Not only is is Donut day but I’d like to celebrate the fact I had my first ever Krispy Kreme donut at the Newcastle Krispy Kreme donut Factory last Saturday! So we went in with 1 but came out with 12! And oh boy they were yummy! My favourite was definitely the traditional iced chocolate with sprinkles.


I have found my new cheat meal!! DONUTS!!!