Consistency is key

So I have found when I am more consistent with both diet and my workouts I am seeing a bigger difference in my body. I also now have begun to see a massive difference when I eat unhealthy foods, I am finding I just bloat up completed and I can be bloated for up to two days depending on when I’ve eaten those foods. This is because I have basically detoxed my body by eating clean, so now when i eat bad my body reacts, whether it’s different of the same as before ( I just didn’t notice). I’m not sure but I do know for sure I prefer eating clean now! 

Below I can see my tummy has become a lot flatter since eating clean. I’m feeling a lot more confident in the gym and in my normal clothes I’ve dropped a dress size and I have now resigned to the fact I know I won’t look exactly how I want on the beach in 20 days Time but will look better than I did last year.

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