New gym exercises

I have a new training partner Charlotte, who pushes me to keep going and keep motivated through her determination and eagerness to be lifting weights too. This is great for me as sometimes when you are training on your own you lose momentum and end up just doing things willy nilly and not finishing sets. We have upped the amount of reps we do and using slightly lighter weights at the moment to maximise fat loss. As we both have goals. Mine is that I told you about yesterday and my main thing is that I want to feel confident on the beach in my bikini I have 24 days until I fly. So I’ve upped my cardio too so I am now doing about 45 mins of cardio a day. One session on a morning to start my fat burning off for the day and then a warm up for 5-10 mins before my weights and 5-10 mins at the end of my work outs apart from on leg day when I can’t manage to do any cardio afterwards 😉 
Here is a sneak peek of two of the exercises we did for shoulders/lats this week. 

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