Happy friday

So it’s Friday and I’m super happy because I’ve stepped on the scales this morning and I’m now weighing at 12stone 3 so I am so close to losing 2 stone since January it’s just spuring me on even more!! Loving my gym life now and even more so I’m actually enjoying clean eating. In fact when I’m not eating clean I feel so rubbish. All the goodness I’m putting in my body now totally outweighs the bad. However I’ve been feeling like I’m losing my booty. It’s one thing I don’t want t lose. So I’ve upped my leg sessions to 2 a week on lighter focusing on my glutes and one heavier all over leg session. And I’m loving seeing the booty pop after I’ve trained 🙂 

Something I haven’t had in ages is the below! NOCCA BCAA’s these are so Tasty my favourites are red berry and peach. 

Something else new I’ve tried out recently due to signing up to the race for life pretty muddy event (5k obstacle course) I’m in need of getting my Running back on track and when it comes to cardio I am so unfit. So I have downloaded the app couch to 5k and anyone who wants to get back into running I highly recommend this as it builds you up to doing 5k in 8 weeks rather than just going straight into it so I feel this is building my endurance up instead of just completly putting me off all together.
Happy Friday 

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