Healthy living NOT DIETING!!

It’s about living a healthy lifestyle not just  to lean down and build muscle!


 Diet Allowed food MeatsChicken, beef, Turkey, Port Fish – Tuna, Salmon, Sardines

Vegetables – Asparagus, Bamboo Shoots, Bok Choy, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Fennel, Garlic, Broccoli, Leek, Olives, Radish, onion, Eggplant, Jicama, Peppers, Rutabaga, Shallots, Water Chestnuts, Zucchini, Pumpkin, Mushrooms.

Greens – Watercress, pea shoots, Lettuce, Rocket

Dairy – Cheese, Butter, Cream & Yogurt, Eggs, Cottage cheese

Healthy fats – Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Avocado Nuts Seeds, Chicken fat, Butter, Almond oil, Avocado Oil, Peanut butter.

Nuts: Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Macdamia, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Poppy seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts

Enjoy spices

Water and Green tea only

Not allowed foods NO SUGAR, NO TRANS FATS, NOW HIGH CARB FATS NO HIGH CARB VEG – Turnips, Carrots NO STARCHY FOODS – Potatoes in the introductory stage NO GRAINS NO LEGUMES 

Monday:   Barbell Squat 20-25 x 4 adjusting tempo 

Front bar bell squats 20-25 x 4 adjusting tempo 

Deadlifts – 20 x 25 x 4 adjusting tempo – try get PB after warm up – swap between normal and Romanian 

Standing Calf raises 20-25 x 4 

Dumbbell Bulgarian split squats  20 – 25 x 4  6 – 10 mins

HIIT training to finish or in the morning 

Tuesday: 30 min cardio


Medium grip flat bench barbell presses 20 – 25 reps x2 

Incline barbell bench press 8-10 reps x2 

Shoulder width grip clean and press 20-25 reps x4 change tempo up. 

Parallel Bar dips 20-25 x 2 

Bent over Barbell or dumbbell rows 20-25 x 4 

Clean and press or Squat thrust and press – bar rest on front shoulders as if performing the front squat then drive the bar to the sky and if performing a military press. 20-25 reps x 2  

Standing up right rows 20-25 reps x4 

Push ups 20-25 x 2 

Lateral raises 20-25 x 2

Chair dips with body weight 20-25 x 2  

Over hand wider grip chin ups build these up 

Pull up from the floor build these up

Thursday: Rest

Friday:   Wide to medium stance barbell squat 20-25 x 4 

Lying Leg curls 20-25 x 2 

Angled leg press 20-25 x 2 

Barbell glute bridges 20-25 x 3 

Barbell stiff leg deadlifts 20-25 x 2 

Walking lunges with dumbells or bar 20-25 x 2

Lat pull downs 20-25 x 2  

Dumbell curls standing or seated 20-25 x 2 

Seated dumbbell shoulder press 20-25 x 2 

Machine Cable Rows 20-25 x 2

Take either Saturday or Sunday as a rest day and the day you don’t take as rest do 15 – 20 minutes sprints or Hiit training, or 30 minutes of cardio. Can be done first thing in the morning.

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