Motivational quotes

Having a busy week this week, keeping up with my gym workouts, managed to hit my Pb for squats at the weekend 90kg! So happy however I completely flopped my 95kg try though luckily Josh was there to help me limbo under the bar as I squatted to deep that I couldn’t get back up. 

Here are some motivational quotes  until I get find time to give you a proper blog post.    


Weekend full of fun,tans,treats and planning for this week


Meal prepping to get me back on track

Getting back into stretching


Spray tan and new  summery clothing

Changes in my body  before and after pics   

Checking if my tummy is getting any smaller

More before and after shots


Bit of bicep definition coming on

Quote of the day 

This literally sums hoe I feel lately I’m seeing small improvements which is hopefully leading me to a healthier life style instead of slipping back to my old ways! Don’t get me wrong I have indulged over the Easter break. But I prepped my meals for the next two days this morning which is a big step to me getting back on track this week X 


Fitness has become a massive part of my life and I dislike missing time off the gym. I think I’ve become addicted to bettering myself.  My aim is to compete in 2017 in a bikini fitness competition I have a long way to go but if I focus and get my diet right I should get there. You might ask why 2017 ? Well mainly because I want to bring the best product to the stage not a rushed job because I want to do it this year! 

Working progress


Remember where you started, take regular photos to show your progress, and enjoy yourself in the gym. You’re journey shouldn’t be a chore it should be a fun development and journey. Testing and pushing your body to the limits. Strong is the new skinny!

Make sure you know what you’re doing and are training to you’re ability and eating the right foods and the right amount!

Gym kit inspiration 

A good Gym kit is an essential to a good gym session. Fitness being a big thing now, gym fashion has developed. Bright trainers, bright clothing, and matching sports bras! My gym kit keeps growing and I need to be put on a leash when entering a sports store to stop me buying more! Especially Nikes!

Here are a few examples that I love!


Nothing better than a good gym!

So I am a member of two gyms currently and I love both for different reasons but Gamburu fitness in my home town Harrogate just upped their game recently! With the new cafe NJ’s which feed you up with nutritional yet filling food! I have been on a number of occasions now and highly recommend the steak or the Chinese steak wrap! I can eat there and not even feel guilty as you know it’s healthy food!

The new free weight section in the gym opened up recently too! It’s just soo cool! I can’t wait to get in there and train on a evening. When I’m on a cardio day I’m itching to get in there.

From the new Dumbbells, new machines to the inspirational quotes scattered around the walls, the awesome lights surrounding the mirrors to give it such a good feel and not forgetting the massive picture of Arnie across the back wall! It’s just such a good place to train!

It’s become such a friendly place to train recently members sharing tips and inspiration. The buzz around the gym is awesome!

If your ever in the area and are a free weight fan pop in for a session because I am sure you will love it!

Even more so when the rest of the plans for the gym for 2016 are put into place.