Morning Workout Why?

Some mornings that 6am alarm going of makes me question why am I even doing this.

But if I get up and do 20-30 minutes of Hiit cardio first thing on a morning I feel totally awake and ready to take on the day.

They say cardio on a morning is the best time to burn the most fat.

What is Hiit?

“HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time.


Why Hiit?

Fat Burning

Burn more Fat & Calories on the 24 hours after a Hiit workout than you do after a steady paced run.

10 minute of fat blasting Hiit burns more than half an hour on the treadmill.

Body Repair

Not only do you burn more fat but the exertion kicks your body into repair mode quicker.

Build a Healthier Heart

After 8 weeks of Hiit workouts you will be able to cycle nearly half as long as before.

Increase Metabolism

Stimulates production of natural growth hormone.

Lose Weight not muscle

Doing Hiit training helps you lose weight but not the muscle whereas Steady state cardio tends to encourage muscle loss.

Ideal for people with Busy Schedules

You can squeeze in a quick 20-30 minute session of hiit before work or during a lunch break. And its a quick way of getting into shape for a special event.


No Equipment necessary


Can do it anywhere


  • Mountain climbers
  • Treadmill 30 seconds fast paced 20 second rest
  • Tabitha training
  • Bicycle Training
  • Box Jumps