Compound exercises

  Exercises can either be compound or isolated.

Compound exercises involve more than one muscle group

Isolation exercises isolate a muscle group by concentrating on that one group of muscles.
Compound exercises tend to stimulate all major muscles in the body which if you are wanting to see change in a shorter time period performing these in your gym session is going to make you see a bigger change quicker.

Exercise examples:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Bench press
  • Lateral pull downs
  • One arm dumbbell rows
  • Shoulder press
  • Abdominal bicycle

Sets of 8-12 reps is around the best amount providing you have the correct form when performing these moves. Start of at light weight and as you become more confident with these moves is when you can start using heavier weights.

I find if I have a heavy day during the week and a light day during the week I am still seeing similar benefits. Make sure you are giving your body enough rest between heavy weight days. Otherwise you will counter act what you are trying to do. 

Girlies squat squat squat for that growth in your booty and for that overall strength that is sort after ATM. 

Early mornings

The feeling for me is waking up early and heading to the gym. Even more so if it’s empty! It gets me refreshed and ready for the day. I find I’m so much more productive during the day at work and I feel like I work harder as I’m under more pressure due to time. 

They do say the morning is the best time to do cardio as your body has rested during the night and you are getting your body burning fat right from the get go. I like to do 15-30 mins Hiit cardio on a morning. 

This morning I did hit the weights hard. However I find training weights on a morning I haven’t got as much energy to do heavy as I haven’t had the carbs or protein I have when I train on a night. Therefore I tend to go for lighter weights and more reps on a morning. It’s important if you are training weights on a morning to have a shake or something to eat before hand you don’t want to be passing out especially if it’s an empty gym.
Train hard, push further see results! Nevergivein x