Pull ups

It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to do a pull up, and it’s a goal of mine! 

I’ve got to leave the excuse of I’m too heavy at the gym door and just practice! 

I’ve been advised the pull up assist machine isn’t the best thing to be practicing on! It’s great for getting the right movement but not for getting you to doing it un assisted so hear are a few things that will help.

Grab a partner! – a gym buddy who will be there to help you is a great start.

Negatives – from the up position of a pull up slowly lower yourself down the the stretched out position.

Cables- Using the cables lie on your back and using the long bar lowered to the floor, With the weight on heavy  pull yourself from arms stretched position towards the bar.

Getting used to hanging – use a step if need be to reach up (if your short like me) and hang from the bar for as long as possible do this 3-4 times get used to holding your own body weight. Practice this every couple of days (upper body days) Then as you strengthen you should be to attempt your pull up. 

Gel nails 

As a gym girl. I’m still a big girly girl. And as i am sweating more, I find it more and more important to look after my appearance, skin and hair. So I got given a gel nail kit for Xmas and it’s honestly one of the best presents I have received. I get to experiment with nail designs without paying a fortune at a good Salon or going to one of the nail bars where they use those horrible electric files that ruin your nails! 

Loving the pale pink and I’m loving the glittery pink ATM so naturally I’ve gone for both. I also wanted to try out the nail stickers I got with some polish I bought. And they were so simple to use! Bottom coat, soak the design in Water, dry, top coat dry then trim the edges of the paper off and there you have it!  I Need a bit of practice at applying them but I love the idea means you can get cute designs on your nails without having to get all creative with tiny little brushes.